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Gastvortrag zum Thema Leihmutterschaft und Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART)

Gastvortrag zum Thema Leihmutterschaft und Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART) in der Ukraine

Gerne machen wir Sie auf einen gemeinsamen Gastvortrag zum Thema Leihmutterschaft und Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART) in der Ukraine aufmerksam, der von zwei ukrainischen Visiting Scholars im Rahmen des Forschungsprojektes URPP Human Reproduction Reloaded an der UZH gehalten wird.


Datum und Zeit:            Dienstag, 31. Mai 2022, 16:15 Uhr - 17.30 Uhr


Raum:                          KO2-F-152


Visiting Scholars:     

Kateryna Moskalenko (Ph.D. in Law, Attorney at Law, Associate Professor of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, University of Zurich Visiting Scholar) will deliver a lecture on Surrogacy in Ukraine: Overview of Legal Regulation.

Ukraine is one of countries in Europe, allowing surrogacy both for Ukrainians and for foreigners. Convenient geographical position, good level of medical services and moderate prices for years attracted foreigners to use surrogacy in Ukraine. Moreover, legal regulation on surrogacy in Ukraine is very liberal as no special law on human reproduction has been adopted yet. It is interesting to discover the usual contents of the surrogacy contract in Ukraine and to research the national court decisions on surrogacy. In February 2022 a number of drafts of law on assisted human reproduction has been submitted for consideration to Ukrainian Parliament and it is of interest to discover newly drafted rules on surrogacy.


Oksana Kashyntseva (Ph.D. in Law, Associate Professor, Head of Scientific and Research Center of Human Rights of Institute of IP of National Academy of Law Sciences of Ukraine, Attorney-at-Law, coordinator of Platform of Fight for Health of PLWHIV, National Consultant of UNDP in Ukraine, University of Zurich Visiting Scholar) will deliver a lecture on Assisted Reproductive Technologies in Ukraine: Overview of Legal Regulation.

In Ukraine assisted reproductive technologies (ART) are believed to be one of highly developed field of medicine with very liberal regulation. Such specific situation has social and economic backgrounds. However, being the most liberal legislation in Europe it has very sensitive gapes that caused discrimination of unmarried persons and LGBT community. Before the war we had started the legal reform in ART and we are going to renew this process in peaceful autumn of 2022.