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Competence Center Medicine - Ethics - Law Helvetiae

CAS MedLaw

TheCAS in MedLawUZH  is a part-time course of study that provides a compact overview of the relevant areas at the interface of medicine and law and deals in depth with selected topics of practical relevance.

The relationship between doctor and patient is increasingly coming into focus, also from a legal perspective. Intersections and interfaces between medicine and law are of concern to politicians, society, health care institutions, but also to lawyers.

The CAS in MedLawUZH is divided into basic and in-depth modules: The basic modules deal with the legal side of medical treatment, related liability, medical criminal law, and the protection of health data. The in-depth modules provide insights into a few selected areas. In addition, participants are given the opportunity to delve deeper into an area of interest to them in the form of a written thesis.

The personal support of the participants is ensured by the members and the management of the competence center MERH. In addition to the specialized knowledge you acquire, the program offers you the opportunity to expand your network and to engage in a well-founded exchange with experts on issues that arise in your professional field.

You can combine your continuing education with your profession. We offer an internet-based range of teaching and learning materials. The module days usually take place on Friday and Saturday. Bring your questions from your practice, we will be happy to answer them!

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Flyer CAS MedLawUZH 2024 (German)