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Competence Center Medicine - Ethics - Law Helvetiae

CAS Law for Medics and Health Professionals

The first round of the new CAS Law for Medics and Health ProfessionalsUZH started In September 2022.

Physicians and health professionals from various fields have to make numerous legal decisions in their daily work - often under time pressure. Therefore, the need to have basic legal knowledge is becoming more and more important.

The CAS Law for Medics and Health ProfessionalsUZH provides the necessary knowledge of medical law on a part-time basis and links it to current developments. The modules provide profound yet comprehensible answers to central questions of medical and health law.

The CAS Law4MedicsUZH is conducted in German.

To The Website (German)

To The Registration (German)

Flyer CAS Law4Medics 2024 (German)